The human adult body is about 60% water. No doubt, water is very important to sustain life. All of our cells, organs and tissues need water to help regulate their temperature, maintain bodily functions, and hydration. In addition, water acts as a lubricant and cushions our joints. Drinking water is great for your overall health. The Finest Water Purifier Ever will give you purified water at a low cost. Did you know that among the many symptoms of dehydration are confusion, mood change, overheating, and constipation. You definitely want to stay hydrated with the best water possible.
The best water possible doesn’t have to come in a bottle. In your own home, you can purify your water and at the same time save hundreds of dollars per year. THE WATER MACHINE allows you to have purified water while paying less than two cents per gallon. In addition, you will be helping the environment by not adding more plastic waste.
Best Quality Water for Health
Unfortunately, the water supply can be compromised with toxins and other harmful substances. So, we need water that is purified. Enter the water machine which allows us to have safe and really clean, healthy water in our homes. In other words, no more tap water with it’s chlorine, fluoride, and other harmful chemicals. In addition, no more bottled water with it’s odd taste from chemicals leached into the water from the plastic. This is the world’s most eco-friendly water purifier.
Finest Water Purifier Ever is Eco-Friendly
The Water Machine’s all glass water filtration system leaves you with no metallic or plastic taste. Above all, it helps reduce plastic waste. As you probably know, plastic stays around in the environment for a very long time. It is a menace to wildlife, and increases the presence of toxins. Plastic also contributes to global warming. Almost all plastics are made from chemicals that come from the production of planet-warming fuels, such as gas, oil and coal. Therefore, the Water Machine’s glass body is not only attractive, but eco-friendly. Using glass also avoids the metallic taste that would come with a stainless steel canister.
How Does It Work?
THE WATER MACHINE is the first All-Glass, Gravity-fed, Counter-top Water purifier. It’s purification system comes equipped with 2 water filters, which subsequently will purify up to 6,000 gallons. Using 1.5 gallons per day, this will last you for 11 years! So how does it work? Gravity! The Water Machine is composed of two glass chambers. Gravity causes the water to pass through the purifier in the upper chamber, and then is stored in the lower chamber.

Finest Water Purifier Ever takes these out of your water:
- Bacteria like E. coli
- Chlorine
- Viruses
- Chloramines
- Parasites
- Fluoride
- Heavy Metals
- Trihalomethane (THMs)
- Pharmaceuticals
- Petroleum Contaminants
- Bisphenol-A (BPA)
- Radiologicals
- Perfluorochemicals (PFOAS)
- Herbicides & Pesticides
Invest in Your Health Now!
This is such an amazing product! It is produced by a company that has been in the business of purifying water since 2001. They knew that they could come up with something better than the stainless steel and plastic gravity-fed water purifiers on the market. They have designed the world’s first all-glass model! It is simple, affordable, and will make a great addition to your home. While you are improving the quality of your water, be sure to GO HERE to find out more about an amazing product. It has ingredients proven to be important for optimal brain health.