Every year millions of people make a resolution to lose weight only to fail weeks later. Statistics show that over 55% of Americans are currently on a diet or have been on one recently. Many will be able to take off quite a bit of weight, but then will gain it back. This yo-yo dieting leads to frustration, muscle loss, and more weight gain over time. There must be something to satisfy our desire for the foods we love plus weight loss.
I remember a project that I did for my Hygiene class in my Junior year of high school. We all could choose from a variety of health related topics. I chose Diet and Weight control. I spent months doing research on various diets, exercise, and the effects of excess weight on the heart and other organs. In any case, I do remember saying at the end of the delivery of my oral report, “In conclusion, diets do not work. The only way to successfully lose weight and keep it off is to change your eating habits.” So easily said but not so easy to do.
Small Changes Plus Weight Loss
Steady weight loss over a longer period of time is key. Making changes that you can stick to for life will help do just that. What if you could change one simple thing to help bring about the results that you want? No more starving yourself and working so hard only to see those pounds creeping back. What if you could put something in your morning coffee or tea that will help with your weight loss goals. You can! Scientific research has produced a biohack that helps metabolism, appetite control, and weight management.
You’ve probably heard of MCTs (Medium Chain Triglycerides). They contain fatty acids that help lower the LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and increase the HDL (good Cholesterol). In addition, they have been shown to help promote the feeling of fullness so as to decrease appetite. Some studies have even shown that MCT oil may help increase the growth of good bacteria so as to support gut health. It may help burn fat instead carbs. This of course can help you lose weight.
Now that you’ve been introduced to Plôs™ Thermo, you’ll definitely want to try it. For so many people, the day starts with their favorite cup of coffee or tea. Plôs™ Thermo is the new partner for that cup of coffee or tea. This really is a “snap”. It is a non-dairy creamer, which makes this awesome news for so many dairy-sensitive people. This is a creamer of excellence because it helps you to lose weight, and increase energy levels. A few other ingredients include L–Carnitine, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, Chromium, Picolinate, and Vitamin E. Therefore, NO sugar, and extra fat in this creamer. It’s super portable because each box contains individual packets of this liquid formula, or “snap”. What are you waiting for? Go HERE to get this new partner for your favorite beverage! Start your thermogenic fat burning today.
Before you run off to get your boxes, do also stop HERE to see another quick morning ritual that can help boost mental energy, improve focus and alertness, while supporting positive thinking and mood. This biohacking blend of 16 nutrients will produce a clean and long-lasting energy boost while helping your body to burn glucose and stored body fat. Yes, it works with the Plôs™ Thermo and another biohacking wonder that you can find HERE. The result is a healthier, slimmer, and more positive you.