Natural hair care tools can help you take proper care of your hair. Some people see a need in the world and so they work hard to fulfill it. That’s what we have here. Remarkable innovation that helps many people because it is providing a faster way to work with your hair. We all would like to have healthier hair while spending less time working on it. Joi has done just that with her Natural Hair Care Tools.
It has been said that the first thing you notice about someone is their hair. Therefore hair can make or break a first impression. As a result of hair that is uncontrollable, a person can become quite frustrated, and waste precious time. You can be in control with THIS solution.
The type of hair we have is determined by our genes. There are so many types of hair and there is a solution for everyone. So, you’ve come to the right place if it’s natural hair that you are concerned about. If your hair is hard to maintain, you will find solutions to make hair care easier.
Those Bad Hair Days Have Met Their Match!
No one wants a bad hair day. If left to chance, it can come at any time, probably the worse time. I have found a way to help you conquer those bad hair days. Stay tuned! Once you know what type of hair that you have, it is much easier to take care of it. These Natural Hair Care Tools will help you have the healthy, beautiful hair that you want.
Hair that is not chemically treated is Natural Hair. These harsh chemicals are known to damage hair. As a result of years of using them, hair is often dry, and brittle with lots of breakage. Natural Hair is usually in it’s healthiest possible state because of the lack of damage sustained by almost all chemical treatments. That’s the hair that we all want, healthy and full of life. Yes, your natural hair can be easier to maintain and healthier.
You can Go Natural and have Beautiful Healthy Hair:
The first step is to rid your hair of all of the damage that has been done over time. That may seem daunting because perhaps the damage has been done over a long period of time. Here is some Great News! There is a revolutionary hair care system that addresses maintenance and care specifically for Natural Hair. As a result of using this system, you can have your natural hair in the healthiest, most beautiful state that it has ever been in. Now let’s help you find the perfect hair care system for you.
Hair Types – Natural Hair Care Tools (and Products)
Most of us have known what type of skin we have by the time we entered our teens. Dry, combination, oily, are terms that we heard from a very young age. We may also have learned our blood type early on. Actually, our hair also comes in many different types and combinations. It is definitely good to know what type of hair you have, so as to help it to thrive. As you know, it’s all about genetics. However, it’s not necessarily directly related to your parents. Throughout the years as your family tree is formed, many people contribute to that genetic makeup that gives you your hair. So, rather than fight against the natural workings of genetics, you can find a way to have healthy, well maintained, and beautiful hair.
These are some amazing Natural Hair Care Tools. Perhaps it’s the washday that you always dread. So many tangles, resulting in so much of your time spent during wash day. These amazing tools will help you breeze through washday. Just Go Now Right Here, and See Them Already. Be sure to share this with all your friends that want beautiful Natural Hair.
Women who know their hair type have that extra advantage. You see they can work with their hair and build on its strengths rather than always fighting those bad hair days. Do share the following information with your friends because they will want to know this.
The Hair Chart
Perhaps you have seen one of those hair type charts on the Internet.There is a type 1 all the way up to a type 4. There are also subtypes within each type. It is the subtype that you will be most interested in, because you will then know the specific type of hair that you have. As a result of knowing your hair type, you can give your hair the best care ever.
One of the hardest types of hair to manage is type 4C. As a result of the difficulty in maintaining it, most people with this type of hair resort to some kind of chemical processing. Of course, as previously mentioned the result is dry, over processed, and brittle hair. It can take some time for the hair to become healthy again after ceasing to use chemicals. Yet, this is the goal of course, because healthy hair can achieve growth and beauty. So, very soon you can say goodbye to over processed hair for good.
Some of us love straight hair, and some of us love those bouncy curls. Regardless of what type of hair is your favorite, you want it to be healthy. When it comes to curly hair, you want the curls to be smooth and silky and more manageable. This innovative hair care washing system is just what is needed to bring beauty to natural hair. Keep reading, because just below you will be able to see what type of hair you have.
Hair Type 1 – A, B and C
Type 1 hair is straight hair. There are three subtypes of this straight hair category because of the varying textures. The pictures on the right help to illustrate this.
- Type 1A hair is very straight hair with no bend, or wave. This is typically the hair type that people will put a perm in, so as to have some type of wave.
- Type 1B hair is still straight but has some wave to it. In this type of hair, you will notice a slight curve around the ends. You can curl this type hair without using a chemical perm.
- Type 1c hair is a combination of straight hair and some curls. Sometimes the weather conditions, especially humidity will affect this type hair.
Type 2 Hair: A, B and C – Natural Hair Care Tools
The texture of this type hair is wavy, but with variations as you will see below. That’s why if you are in this category looking at the scale will greatly help you to know exactly what type hair you have.
- Type 2A hair, by and large has loose waves while the hair at the crown of the head is straight. These are definitely loose waves that form down towards the middle of the head. They are not highly texturized, but are fine and thin.
- Type 2B hair is another subtype with straight hair at the crown and the waves starting in the middle. These waves do have more texture than the Type 2A. Therefore, they form an S shape as they descend to the hair tip. There is a tendency for frizzing to occur.
- Type 2C distinctively has waves that form at the crown of the head. These waves proceed all the way down to the tips and look like curls or ringlets. At times you will find a coarse texture in this type of hair. Frizzing is generally a problem.
Hair Type 3 – A, B, and C
This hair type C is what most women want. That is why so many are willing to spend time and money in the salon to get those big, bouncy curls.This type hair is usually smooth, shiny and looks quite healthy. Therefore anyone with waves or even tight kinky curls wants their hair to look like this. Of course, enter genetics which reminds us that we have to work with what we are born with.
- Type 3A curls are big loose spirals. They usually have a soft texture with a definite spring to them. You can clearly see the S-shape on each shiny lock.
- Type 3B curls are a tad tighter. This hair is usually course in texture. You will see curls that may look like ringlets and some may look like a corkscrew.
- Type 3C curls are the curly-coily type. Here you will notice a definite tight Corkscrew pattern. This type of hair will also be subject to shrinkage. As a result of the shinkage, the hair appears to have more volume.
Type 4 Hair – Natural Hair Care Products
I can definitely relate to this hair type. This type of hair needs to be handled carefully because it tangles so easily. Therefore, we all tend to use chemical straighteners to rein it in. Of course, as we’ve already discussed, these treatments can be quite damaging. However, this new maintenance system makes all the difference. Keep reading for an explanation of this Type 4 hair.
Type 4A hair will have a very sharp S shape with super tight curls. The texture of the hair is usually coarse. As a result of the dense urls, the hair is quite thick.
Type 4B hair is quite different because now you can see a distinct z-shape pattern. The curls are tight although not as defined. Instead of s-shaped curls you will see sharp edges and angles. The strands vary in texture from fine and thin to wiry and coarse.
Type 4C hair is very dense, thick and coarse. There is little definition of a typical curl shaped pattern. The texture can range from very fine and thin to wiry and coarse. The tendency is for the hair to frizz and tangle easily.
Care for Hair types
After Examining these charts, you must surely know what type of hair you have. That is great knowledge because it can help you to work with your hair. We are marketing an amazing wash day tool kit to help improve the health of your hair while making it easier to take care of it. You will love how easily your hair can be detangled. This will help you to bring your hair back to its best condition ever. Yes, you can have natural hair that is healthy and has lots of bounce.
Great News – and you should check this out!
So now it’s up to you to click that mouse button and discover a way to bring your natural hair to it’s healthiest state. Take a look at how these products all work together as a system that improves your hair. Go here and make sure you tell your friends.
While you are here, be sure to also look at this page. It features a product with collagen, enzymes, antioxidants, and other natural ingredients to improve your skin, hair and nails. Go HERE!